Sunday, February 20, 2011

Back to Work

Staci and I took a nice long break after finishing our novel, STATIC, in December.  But we are now back at it again and have started plotting out our next manuscript.  I think we are both ready to get back in the swing of things. 

Unfortunately, we haven't had any luck on our hunt for an agent for STATIC, which is disappointing, but I guess it's all about patience.  Hopefully, an agent will snatch it up soon.  We decided that our query letter needed work, so Staci asked if anyone from our YA RWA loop would be willing to take a look at it and give us some feedback.  There are some great people on the loop that offered to help, and Staci and I were a bit star struck when Simone Elkeles, author of Perfect Chemistry (one of my favorite books!), offered to help us out.  Really, how cool is that?!  If you haven't read her books, where have you been?  Elkeles is and will remain one of the greats among YA authors!  She and a few others offered a lot of feedback, so maybe we will have better luck with our new query.  We are truly grateful to those authors who were willing to help us out. 

SINFUL has received some great reviews, and if you've read it, we would love for you to review it on Amazon,, Good Reads, or your blog!  Here's a review from Nocturne Romance Reads:

We hope the good reviews keep rolling in :)  That's all for now!  Happy reading and writing folks!



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